Free public transport for all – dream and reality

Daniel Santini from Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in São Paulo was in Estonia to talk about mobility experiences and free public transportacion in Brazil
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Free public transport for all – dream and reality
Tallinn Development and Training Centre

Daniel Santini from Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in São Paulo participated at a conference in Estonia to talk about mobility experiences and free public transport in Brazil

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By Tallinn Development and Training Centre

On the 10th of May, the Tallinn Development and Training Centre in Estonia organized, at the capital’s Cultural Hub, the international conference “Free public transport for all. Dream and reality” to discuss international projects and initiatives regarding this important issue.

The Estonian Minister for Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kadri Simson and French EMP Karima Delli, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism at the European Parliament, made the opening remarks to the 135 attendees.

Conference attendees also took part in excursions to the TLT (Tallinn Linnatranspordi AS) depot, took a tour of Tallinn and visited Lahemaa national Park.


The presentations

The free public transport reality
Patrice Vergriete, Mayor of Dunkerque, France presentation 
Lars Isacsson, Mayor of Avesta, Sweden presentation
Detlef Tabbert, Mayor of Templin, Germany presentation
Ana Ujma, advisor to the Mayor of Zory, Poland presentation
Daniel Santini, São Paulo, Brazil presentation

The free public transport dream
Emmanuel Grégoire,  Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Budget, Financing and Transformation of Public Policies presentation
Paolo Vergnano, City councillor of Rovereto, Trento, Italy presentation
Boris Palmer, Mayor of Tübingen, Germany presentation
Arturas Zuokas, ex Mayor of City of Vilnius, member of City Council, Lithuania presentation

Emergence of the first free public transport nation

Kadri Simson, Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure presentation
Taavi Aas, Mayor of Tallinn speech
Kirke Williamson,  Estonian Road Administration Head of Public Transport Department presentation 
Uno Silberg,  Chairman of Kose Municipality Council, member of European Committee of the Regions presentation
Stuart Cole, South Wales University presentation