«Why does Greece go under and Germany go up?»

Saskia Sassen was in Athens on June 8th 2015 to deliver a lecture about Europe's future and the pattern of "Financializing" and austerity politics which Greece is a part of. The lecture was the first of the series of lectures #RethinkingEurope.
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«Why does Greece go under and Germany go up?»
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Office in Greece

Saskia Sassen was in Athens on June 8th 2015 to deliver a lecture about Europe’s future and the pattern of “Financializing” and austerity politics which Greece is a part of.

The lecture was the first of the series of lectures #RethinkingEurope, a project organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Office in Greece and the Initiative for the Defense of Society and Democracy. On the day of the lecture she talked to us in a very interesting interview.

Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Chair, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University (www.saskiasassen.com). She is the author of several books and the recipient of diverse awards and mentions, ranging from multiple doctor honoris causa to named lectures and being selected for various honors lists. Her new book is Expulsions: When complexity produces elementary brutalities (Harvard University Press 2014).