Lançamento de “Calibã e a bruxa” no Brasil

Autora argumenta que o assassinato de centenas de milhares de bruxas foi, juntamente com a submissão dos povos africanos e americanos, um aspecto fundacional do sistema capitalista, uma vez que designou às mulheres o papel de “produtoras de mão de obra”

Services, Democracy and Corporate Rule in the Trump Era

TiSA is in fact aimed at freeing corporations providing transnational services from what they view as burdensome and needlessly differing national and local regulations. The agreement is also designed to pry open public services to commercial involvement

“O nosso desafio é fortalecer as esquerdas no mundo”

“Somos muito críticos à política de austeridade que governo alemão impõe à Grécia. Como fundação ligada ao partido político ‘A Esquerda’, a FRL tem uma relação muito próxima com a maior bancada de oposição no parlamento alemão”

Greek politics: Checking the facts

Whereas Greece had been regarded by the German public as an idyllic holiday destination, overnight it became a crisis-ridden country full of artful dodgers and creative accountants that attracted torrents of derision, polemics and rancour from German politicians and media

François Houtart and the Common Good of Humanity

His never flinching energy, his untiring enthusiasm were characteristic. It is an understatement to say he never stopped working, he never counted the hours. Never ever did he stop acting, till just a couple of hours before the end … for the very first time