Primeira Feira da Reforma Agrária faz grande sucesso

“A população da cidade é que vai desequilibrar essa luta, quando chegar no supermercado e falar ‘não quero mais óleo de soja transgênico, quando disser não quero mais tomate com veneno porque o câncer vai ficar pra mim e não com o dono do supermercado’.”

Interconnection without integration in South America

It has been 15 years since the creation of the Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America (IIRSA), and from the perspective of its contribution to integration, evaluation is necessary.

Europe needs moral leadership from Germany

On the question of refugees, we have it – and that’s excellent. On the question of how to deal, at long last, with the Eurozone’s crisis, there has been no German leadership – indeed, quite the opposite, as the German government has been lagging behind developments.